5 Apr 2023

Startling! The following games are prohibited in a number of countries

There are a number of games that are banned in the world. These games were banned for various reasons, ranging from scenes of violence, pornography, to disturbing the political stability of a country. Even so, some of these prohibitions received much criticism from the public because they were considered unreasonable. However, criticism does not stop the government of a country from blocking games deemed 'dangerous'.


These games usually contain prohibited content. Such as violence, pornography, to disturbing content for most players. It's no wonder that some of these games are banned from being played in many countries.


1.Crash Bandicoot 2

source : ashopodel


Crash Bandicoot was banned in Japan for displaying inappropriate graphics. In the game, there is a character whose body is squashed and makes him walk around without a head. The Japanese government does not want to show beheadings in the media. This has happened since the case of a child being beheaded by another person in Japan by leaving the head outside a school in 1997.


2.Mortal Kombat

source : google play


This game is one of the most legendary game titles. Having traveled the world on various game consoles, Mortal Kombat can now be played on smartphones. Mortal Kombat is a game with a fighting genre that presents sadistic battles and is quite draining of adrenaline. What is famous from the Mortal Kombat game is the "fatality" scene which is usually used to finish off opponents.


This fatality scene is included in the sadistic category and is not suitable for consumption by underage users. No wonder this game is included in the list of banned games in the world, which made the game developer label this game "for 18+" and "extreme violence". The distribution of this game has been banned in various countries such as Japan and Ukraine, including games that are banned in Indonesia because of such sadistic content.


3.The Sims 4

source : playstation


The government of Uzbekistan banned the circulation of The Sims 4 game in their country. This rule was made because The Sims was widely used to spread violence and pornography. In addition, there are several things in the game that make it considered a threat to security and social and political stability in Uzbekistan. However, this regulation actually brought a lot of criticism from the people of Uzbekistan who thought the government was only dealing with trivial problems and setting aside big problems.


4. Bully: Anniversary Edition

source : Bullywiki


Bully: Anniversary Edition is included in the list of banned games in the world. One of the games made by Rockstar which is quite successful is now available for mobile devices. As the name implies, this game contains a lot of bullying or bullying content.


This game that is forbidden to play tells about the life of a student named Jimmy Hopkins who attends Bullworth Academy. In the game, you will be invited to play the character Jimmy with various problems at his school. Reportedly, this game has been banned in several countries such as England, Brazil, and several states of the United States, including games that are banned in Indonesia.


5. Far Cry 3

source : steam.com


In terms of the storyline, the game Far Cry 3 actually doesn't have too many problems, some even say this action-adventure game made by Ubisoft is quite fun to play. Then what's the problem? Even though the story is fictional, this game is considered insulting to Indonesia. What is controversial is that the location background depicted in this game is very similar to that in Indonesia. Even though the developer says the background in the game is in Africa, there are several parts that strengthen the notion that the setting in the game is Indonesia.


For example, Indonesian plants and animals are very clearly depicted in the game. Then also several NPCs who were heard speaking in Indonesian. Most annoyingly, life in a place similar to Indonesia is described as very bad, dirty and frightening because of many disease outbreaks and hunger, as if in hell. No wonder the game Far Cry 3 was banned by the government, because it was considered insulting to Indonesia.


How about all the games above, have you played any games?