27 Apr 2023

Do you know? It turns out that there are many elements of the Apocalypse in the Genshin Impact game

Genshin Impact is an RPG game released by a game company from China, MiHoYo. This game was released at the end of September 2020. It tells of a traveler who comes from another world to find his twin who has been separated for a long time.

Adventure, fight, meet new characters to carry out a mission carried out by travelers to reveal the mysteries of the world of Teyvat which is full of puzzles. Genshin Impact is a video game developed and published by MiHoYo. The game was released on September 28, 2020 on Android, iOS, Windows, PlayStation 4 and 5.


This game has a deep story that is related to each other, interesting characters with unique elements that each character has, exploring the vast world of Teyvat with good game graphics and fun gameplay, making Genshin Impact popular at this time.


But who would have thought that Genshin Impact actually presents many elements of the Islamic apocalypse in their game, one of which is the Gate of Zulqarnain, what else is there? Examples of signs of the apocalypse in Islam such as the emergence of Imam Mahdi, Dajjal, the presence of Gog and Magog, the sun rising from the west and there are several others.


Believing in the coming of the Day of Judgment is one of the pillars of faith, although no one knows when the Day of Judgment will arrive. Many positive things are included in the signs of the apocalypse, such as towering buildings, fast transportation and increasingly advanced developments, one of the signs of a small apocalypse.


Of the many doomsday elements that Genshin Impatc brings to their games, here are 3 of them :


1. Gate of Zulqarnain & Wadi Al-Majuj

source : reddit


As the name implies, Gate of Zulqarnain is a subarea that is currently in Genshin Impact. This area has been released for a long time in the game. Gate of Zulqarnain is one of the places to confine Gog and Magog. In Islam, it is stated that one of the signs of the end times or the sign of the end of time is the coming of Gog and Magog.


2. Hawiyah Hell

source : indozone


The dungeon in Genshin Impact, shows like the lowest dungeon of hell, an abyss of suffering and despair. Hawiyah is a very deep abyss. The Hawiyah hell is a very hot burning fire. The people who will occupy this hell are those who belong to the hypocrites which have been explained by the Al-Qur'an surah Al-Qariah verse 11.


Surah Al-Qariah verse 11 has content. Humans will be like flying moths. At that time they were confused about what had happened to them, so they didn't know where to go and what to do as if their goals were uncertain.


3. Raging Fire

source : reddit


The place that looks like a sea of fire disaster, in surah Al-Qariah has also described the sign of the apocalypse, namely a raging fire. In one of his sayings Rasulullah SAW mentioned that the last sign of the coming of the Day of Judgment is the discharge of fire. This fire is said to lead people towards Padang Mahsyar.


"In the future a fire will blaze enclosing the inhabitants of the earth in the east, then drive them to the west. The flames will always be with them when humans sleep at night and during the day. Whatever falls or is left behind by them, they will surely eat it. The fire it drives them like herding wounded camels," (HR Ath-Thabrani).


Those are some signs of the apocalypse in Islam presented by one of the games, namely Genshin Impact.


Don't forget to always pray and worship God to be kept away by the end of time, so as to avoid the hell fire that will burn our bodies every time.