30 Mar 2023

3 Suitable Games To Play For Ngabuburit In The Month Of Ramadan

During the month of Ramadan, there is a special tradition that only exists in this month, namely ngabuburit. Apart from bukber, aka breaking the fast together, ngabuburit is a moment that is often enjoyed by those who are fasting.


Running worship certainly makes the body feel weak before noon. At these 'critical' times, sometimes the brain cannot compromise anymore. Surely the activity you do is take a nap. For sleep, a duration of 1 or 2 hours may be enough to restore your energy during fasting. But afterwards, you will definitely be confused about what activities don't rack your brain but make your body excited.


There are many activities to choose from for ngabuburit. Those who like to cook, can be busy in the kitchen. For those who like to read, ngabuburit is the right time to do their hobby.


Playing games is an alternative for those of you who want your mind not to get weak and to stay excited. These six games typical of Ramadan can be an option that you can play well during ngabuburit.


So, for those of you who like to play games, spending time spending time playing games on an Android phone. Many games that you can choose. Have you ever tried a Ramadan themed game? For those who haven't tried it, there's no harm in taking a glance at these games. Come on, see the following Ramadan-themed games.


1. Ramadhan Challenges

Source : google play


This is a very funny Ramadan game. The name of this game is Ramadan Challenges. This is a game made by the developer Entertainment Dimensions. You will be invited to play 10 exciting mini games by this Ramadan game.


The theme of the 10 mini games is unique. This game's theme is about your difficulties when fasting during the month of Ramadan. Some examples are difficulty getting up for sahur, holding back from eating during the day, and several other difficulties.


2. Virtual Musilim Life

Source : google play


Another Ramadan game that is quite unique is Virtual Muslim Life. In this game you will become a Muslim who lives life in the blessed month of Ramadan.


This Virtual Muslim Life game has a number of missions at each level. The main mission of this game is mostly about doing good, for example, helping others by giving alms.


You will also be brought to experience activities during this holy month, such as holding iftar activities with family and relatives as well as sahur activities. Download Virtual Muslim Life on Google PlayStore.


3. Cerdas Cermat Islami

Source : google play


Confused what to do when ngabuburit? Instead of lying in bed all day which makes you bored, try these brain-sharpening Ramadan games. It is Cerdas Cermat Islami. Certainly suitable to be a game while waiting for iftar.


Cerdas Cermat Islami is a game that has around 1000 questions with an Islamic theme. This game with an Islamic theme also has interesting games. Of course, you don't just answer the various quizzes available.


Isn't it a really fun sahur game that you can play this Ramadan? Come on, don't be lazy to fast only once a year. Even though playing the game is fun, don't forget the obligatory worship that you have to perform!